DVV Extended Profiles

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Values have been updated as per the provided supporting document.
Admission approval for the last five years
Certified list of students for the last five years
Values have been updated as per provided supporting document; HEI to provide the list of full time teachers with date of joining and date of leaving the institution (Without repeat count) during last five years duly certified by the head of HEI
Certified list of full-time teachers(without repeat count) for the assessment period
HEI to provide the list of full time teachers with date of joining and date of leaving the institution academic year wise during last five years duly certified by the head of HEI.
Year-wise certified list of full-time teachers for the assessment period
HEI needs to refer to income and Expenditure statement and include all the expenses incurred in a year along with capital Expenditure and exclude salary components, and provide updated figures for all under the stamp and signature of the Finance Officer/head of HEI. HEI to also provide copy of Income Expenditure statement highlighting the heads.
CA Certified audited statements
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